Hardest Universities for Acceptance

Scholarships are nice, but we believe our sport allows serious athletes an opportunity, very few have, of being accepted into an institution of higher learning that would not be possible without the support of the field hockey coach. All of the schools listed in the 50 hardest schools for acceptance have participated in the LineUP – which gives our athletes the advantage. List assembled by Niche.com.

#1 Harvard UniversityField Hockey Team
#2 Stanford UniversityField Hockey Team
#3 Princeton UniversityField Hockey Team
#4 California Institute of Technology
#5 Yale UniversityField Hockey Team
#6 MITField Hockey Team
#7 University of Chicago
#9 Duke UniversityField Hockey Team
#10 Brown UniversityField Hockey Team
#11 University of PennsylvaniaField Hockey Team
#12 Northwestern UniversityField Hockey Team
#13 Dartmouth CollegeField Hockey Team
#14 Pomona College
#15 Rice University
#16 Swarthmore CollegeField Hockey Team
#17 Bowdoin CollegeField Hockey Team
#18 Johns Hopkins UniversityField Hockey Team
#19 Vanderbilt University
#20 Cornell UniversityField Hockey Team
#21 Amherst CollegeField Hockey Team
#22 Colby CollegeField Hockey Team
#23 United States Naval Academy
#24 United States Military Academy at West Point
#25 Tulane University
#26 Claremont McKenna College
#27 Williams CollegeField Hockey Team
#28 Washington University in St. Louis
#29 Barnard College
#30 Colorado College
#31 Tufts UniversityField Hockey Team
#32 University of California – Los Angeles
#33 Carnegie Mellon University
#34 United States Air Force Academy,
#35 Bates CollegeField Hockey Team
#36 Harvey Mudd College
#37 Georgetown UniversityField Hockey Team
#38 University of Southern California
#39 University of Notre Dame
#40 Haverford CollegeField Hockey Team
#41 University of California – Berkeley
#42 The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
#43 Pitzer College
#44 Hamilton CollegeField Hockey Team
#45 Emory University
#46 Grinnell College
#47 Northeastern UniversityField Hockey Team
#48 Wellesley College
#49 Georgia Institute of Technology
#50 Carleton College